Marie Carpenter

Telecom Management School

Marie Carpenter

Marie Carpenter is a Strategy Lecturer at Telecom Management School in Paris. She has a PhD in marketing and participated to several projects with Bill Lazonick, as research fellow at INSEAD (Fontainebleau, France), with a specific focus on the ICT sector and, in particular, the optical networking industry. Her book entitled “La bataille des télécoms. Vers une France numérique” (“The battle to build a digital France”) was published in France in February 2011. Based on two years of research in presidential and company archives as well as fifty interviews with key decision-makers, the book analyses the rollout of the French digital network and the parallel development of a significant number of innovative products and services during the 1970s and 1980s. These include the “Minitel” telematics ecosystem, the “Télécom 1” satellite, the “X25” data transport network and smart card technology initially commercialised in telephone cards for public phones in France. Parallels are made with today’s need for investment to build tomorrow’s fibre-optic networks.

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