DIME Final Conference 2011

Wednesday, 06 April 2011 - 9:00 - Friday, 08 April 2011 - 17:00
Maastricht, The Netherlands

Two FINNOV researchers, Professor Giovanni Dosi (Leader of WP 4) and Professor Lubomir Lizal (WP 6), are involved in organising the sessions for the DIME Final conference. Professor Dosi is managing the session on the subject of Growth and Development and Professor Lizal is coordinating the session around the topic of Economic Dynamics and the Environment.

DIME (Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe) is a network of social scientists in Europe, working on the economic and social consequences of increasing globalisation and the rise of the knowledge economy. It is sponsored by the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union.
More information is available via the DIME Final Conference website.